
Schoolhouse Rap: Alternative Teacher Raps To Students to Inspire Creativity

Professional rapper and spoken word artist, Christian Foley, raps to students in a National Poetry Day freestyle.

When a professional poet visited Christian Foley's London high school classroom, he had no idea just how much it would inspire him — and his own future students.

Foley, who also goes by the childhood nickname "Muzzy," was 15 when he met the poet and has since made a career out of teaching poetry, music and English to students of all ages. The teacher, now 24, also tours as a rap artist by the name “Just Muz” in his spare time.

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In the curriculum, which he teaches to teens at multiple schools, he encourages students to express themselves in their own way.

On National Poetry Day, Foley performed a rap using math and English terms as kids in the classroom cheered him on.

“I’m just rapping what my pen marks, I don’t like your tone, I’m doing this with a board marker for a microphone,” Foley raps in a video of the performance.

While the moment was fun and games, Foley is serious about helping the children he works with. At one of the school's, where he works with children who have been expelled, his focus is helping the children write professional work.

“My job with them has been helping them publish books that people would never read otherwise,” Foley told “They represent a voice that has been so marginalized. The best way to rehabilitate is through education and enjoyment and teaching them to have self-esteem and confidence. The work we do is making children happy to be themselves.”

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Foley said that the regular curriculum often doesn’t allow for anything out of the ordinary, but it's unordinary things that often make the biggest impact.

“Poetry can be so inclusive if it does in the right way. They love something different. The government here isn’t really good at making curriculum that children like so when we break out from that the children love it because it’s like freedom and it's centered about them.”

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