
So You Think You Can Dance Judge Mary Murphy's Battle with Cancer

INSIDE EDITION talks to So You Think You Can Dance judge Mary Murphy about her battle with cancer.

She's the excitable judge from So You Think You Can Dance known for her over-the-top enthusiastic whooping and hollering.

But now cancer has Mary Murphy fighting to save her trademark voice and even her life.

Three years ago doctors found a tumor growing on her thyroid. Murphy threw herself into work and admits she avoided the doctor for two years.

When she finally went back the news wasn't good.

"The doctor says, 'This tumor has grown, it's got some worrisome properties and you may not be able to ever talk again.' "

Murphy had emergency surgery in December and doctors removed her thyroid gland, which was dangerously close to her vocal cords. She immediately thought about her trademark voice.

"That's what I was really focused on, am I going to be able to talk again, am I going to be able to hear myself laugh," she said.

She came out with her voice intact but recent tests reveal the cancer may have spread and she'll need radiation treatment.

When INSIDE EDITION spoke to the 52-year-old in Salt Lake City, Utah during auditions for her show, she wasn't feeling well.

"I'm not really sure what's going on with me right now," she said.

But the bubbly judge promises she will not be silenced.

"If I have to yell, I might write it on a piece of paper and shake it, I don't know!" she said.