
Reddit Users Help Dad Open Audio Files of Wife's Songs She Recorded Before Her Death

Her son now has more memories of who his mom was.

Jared Buhanan-Decker wasn’t expecting to live a life without his wife Sharry, who died as she gave birth to their baby son James, but strangers have made the grieving process a bit easier.

In a heartwarming action, Reddit users helped Jared open audio files of his wife’s singing that he’d found on her computer but couldn’t figure out how to watch.

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“I just want to be able to hear her voice again,” he wrote in the Reddit Post.

Jared, who has been using Reddit for years, said that within hours, users sent him the music, converted to a compatible file.

“It was pretty awesome because I didn’t remember so many of those songs. They have so much more significance now,” said Jared.

Now, Jared has more concrete memories of Sharry and uses the songs to soothe his son — a glimpse at the mom the 4-month-old was never able to meet.

“It’s been a tough time but I’ve had amazing support. I wish I didn’t need it. People have been so compassionate and loving,” said Jared.

Sharry had an amniotic fluid embolism in the hospital while giving birth and Jared said that within minutes she was beyond saving.

“It was supposed to be the happiest day of our life but it was one of the worst of mine,” said Jared. “I am trying to grasp a new normal that I don’t really like.”

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But, it’s reminders like the sound of Sharry's voice that help along the way. Jared said Sharry used to sing to baby James in the womb and hearing her voice again was a very powerful experience.

“Finding things like those songs and having people help me out that way was a pretty powerful and emotional experience,” Jared said.

"Sharry just always taught me about putting experience and relationships above other things.”

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