
Woman Gives Birth to Surprise Baby Just Hours After Going to ER for 'Kidney Stones'

She thought the pain was kidney stones until the doctors ordered an ultrasound.

Stephanie Jaegers' pain — from what she thought were kidney stones — was so bad that she asked her husband Michael to take her to the emergency room.

Little did she know, just a few hours later, she’d be giving birth to a full-term baby boy.

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"The doctors were discussing kidney stones and pain and said, 'order a CT scan,'" Stephanie told "But then he examined my stomach when I was having 'cramps' and changed his mind and did an ultrasound instead."

After the ultrasound came back, the Jaegers family found out Stephanie was more than 38 weeks pregnant and in labor.

In addition, she had been she’d been having her period over the last nine months and was even on her period when she went to the emergency room, Stephanie said.

Earlier that year, a doctor had also told her she was premenopausal, according to Stephanie.

She’d even had to have a blood transfusion with her third pregnancy and a doctor said they shouldn’t have any more kids, Stephanie said.

But, Baby Shaun Jude Jaegers, who was born seven pounds and three ounces Wednesday, was sitting breached and behind a few ribs, hence why Stephanie hadn’t noticed any changes in her belly, the family said.

“I never had morning sickness like with my other ones. My weight fluctuates like five pounds typically. There was no added weight gain. I was moody but thought that was premenopause,” Stephanie said.

The entire family was in shock when they found out the news, but baby Shaun’s own parents were the most flabbergasted. 

“I cried and I was scared,” said Stephanie. “We didn’t know what to do. We had started getting rid of our baby stuff. Luckily we had a car seat in the attic. I don’t know that it actually registered until he was here.”

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Luckily, the Jaegers have an 11-year-old and 16-year-old who’ve been a great help with their new baby brother and they are confident it will all work out.

“It’s hard when in like 30 minutes you learn that you are having a baby tonight,” said Stephanie. I do believe everything is meant to be.  We are grateful he is here and he is sweet little baby.”

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