
Angry Bird: Aggressive Wild Turkey Wreaking Havoc, Causing Traffic Jams and Tormenting Students

"He exemplifies a truly free Wyoming spirit where he's going to be himself regardless of what others think," a town local said.

Locals know their town is for the birds.

Meet Thomas Gobbles, the social media-famous wild turkey who runs amok in Casper, Wyoming.

Read: Turkey Lurkey: Gang of Giant Birds Running Amok in Small Town, Prompting 911 Calls

“There have been several documented cases of Thomas chasing people, but no serious altercations have been reported,” a resident of the town, who mans Thomas Gobbles’ 2,000-follower strong social media accounts, told

The resident said Thomas Gobbles is often spotted disrupting traffic, or tormenting students at Casper College. 

But, “Thomas does not actively seek trouble,” he said. The resident pointed out most people flee when the turkey approaches aggressively, which “reinforces his dominant behavior.” 

He recommends people stand their ground, and use soothing music and treats like bread, tortillas and dog food to appease the turkey if they encounter him.

“I’ve even heard of some folks feeding him chicken, which I personally disagree with on an ethical level,” the resident, who did not wish to be named, said. 

In the past, locals have reported seeing him with a girlfriend – a one-footed turkey named Tina – but she was reportedly struck by a car months ago and hasn't been seen since. 

“I believe he is still mourning her, which may be [attributed] to his recent agitated behavior,” the resident said.

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He said the town started hearing rumors about the wild bird causing traffic jams nearly a year and a half ago, but Thomas Gobbles has since become a beloved and integral character in the community.

“People identify with his personality,” the resident said. “He exemplifies a truly free Wyoming spirit where he’s going to be himself regardless of what others think.”

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