The prosecution against Lindsay Lohan has a new twist to deal with after details emerge about the jewelry store allegedly selling surveillance video for a profit. INSIDE EDITION has the details.
Is the prosecution's case against Lindsay Lohan in jeopardy? The owners of the jewelry store Kamofie & Company sold surveillance video allegedly showing Lohan shoplifting a $2,500 necklace. The video was reportedly sold for $35,000.
"I am mortified if I am the District Attorney having to deal with my key main witness profiting off of their vicitimization. You bet this is going to affect the case," said former prosecutor Robin Sax.
The footage showed Lohan in the jewelry store the day of the alleged theft. The actress was filmed on four separate surveillance cameras, and can be seen smiling as she entered the store with a male friend. She chatted casually and texted while browsing at the display cases. She tried on several pieces, including rings and the now-famous necklace.
Christopher Spencer, the spokesman for the jewelry store, spoke to INSIDE EDITION.
"Are you concerned that the sale of this tape will affect the case against Lindsay Lohan?" INSIDE EDITION's Jim Moret asked.
"People are asking to see it, it's not illegal to distribute this video at this point. We think it will have no outcome on a criminal trial. This is just a way to let people decide for themselves what has happened. The video speaks for itself," Spencer replied.