Comedy Central put Donald Trump in the hot seat for a no holds barred celebrity roast of the tycoon. INSIDE EDITION was on the scene.
Donald Trump has weighed in on the Charlie Sheen drama. INSIDE EDITION caught up with Trump just before he was roasted for a Comedy Central special and he said he's been paying close attention to Sheen's meltdown.
"I feel very badly for Charlie. I know him very well. He did great that first day when he spoke out. He should have stopped. It got strange and now it's to a point where it's not even really funny. He's got to get help," Trump said.
But singer John Legend was scathing in his criticism of Sheen.
"Anyone that has beaten, threatened and held knives to women's throats needs a lot of help and should maybe go to jail," Legend said.
Legend's date, Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue model Christine Teigen said, "It's not funny anymore you psycho. Get some help."
Trump was a good sport as he was roasted by, among others, comedian Jeffrey Ross and the Jersey Shore's "The Situation."
"Donald says he wants to run for president and move on into the White House. Why not? It's not the first time he's pushed a black family out of their home," rapper Snoop Dogg joked about Trump's presidential aspirations.