
Newborn Giant Anteater Sticks Out His Long Tongue During Public Debut

Bowie, the baby giant anteater, could be seen showing off his enormous tongue as visitors were able to see the newborn for the first time.

This newborn giant anteater couldn’t help but stick out his tongue during his public debut.

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Bowie, the first giant anteater born at the Zoo Miami, could be seen showing off his enormous tongue as visitors were able to see the newborn on display for the first time.

The newborn was even photographed camped out on his mother’s back, where he will remain for the first year.

The baby giant anteater, the largest of three anteater species, was born on December 21, and spent the first several weeks bonding with his mother and developing in private, according to a press release.

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The species are toothless mammals, but compensate for the longest tongue relative to body size in the animal kingdom.

As their name suggests, they can eat more than 30,000 ants a day using their tongue and powerful claws.

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