INSIDE EDITION sits down with the pin-up girl who's boosting the morale of troops overseas, and at 45 years old, she's inspiring women everywhere.
She's the newest pin-up girl boosting the morale of our troops overseas.
But this one is 45 years old!
"It's amazing. And unexpected,” said Gail Kasper.
Gail Kasper's sexy bikini poster has become one of the most sought after pin-ups in Iraq, after she posed for it at a charity drive for her local military base.
Now she joins a long line of pin-up girls, going back to Marilyn Monroe, Raquel Welch, and more recently Pamela Anderson.
At the Grace Hotel in New York City, Gail showed INSIDE EDITION what has made her so popular.
She's toned and super fit. She's also the oldest contestant in the hot body contest for the Wilhelmina Modeling Agency.
Now she hopes to inspire women everywhere that you can look good at any age.
"A lot of women don't get to pursue modeling at the age of 45, but really my goal is to empower women at any age." said Gail.
She's certainly been an inspiration for lots of our fighting men.