
Charlie Sheen's Gets High Speed Police Escort To Show

Washington D.C. police are investigating why Charlie Sheen got a police escort at 80 mph to his live show. INSIDE EDITION has the details.

Charlie Sheen was running late to his show in Washington, D.C. earlier this week and he got a police escort to get him to the theater on time. He posted a picture on Twitter of the speedometer in his SUV reaching 80 miles an hour.

But now the police are investigating why Sheen got a police escort in the first place. The headline in The Washington Post reads, "Charlie Sheen's VIP perks: D.C. police escort."  

Sheen was an hour late for his show after he was held up in Los Angeles at a hearing in his custody war with estranged Brooke Mueller. He bragged to fans that he got to the show as fast as he could: "We ran more red lights than Brooke Mueller heading to a pawn shop."

The D.C. Metropolitan Police said in a statement, "This entire matter is under investigation." It added, "The government was reimbursed for the services provided."

There is no word on how much the police escort cost.