
Critically Endangered Sea Turtle Released Into the Wild After Being Caught in Fishing Line

A local shrimper said he pulled up his line to find the sea turtle had been tangled in it.

A critically endangered sea turtle that had previously been caught in a Louisiana fisherman’s line is now being released back into the wild following months of grueling rehabilitation.

Read: The Boy Who Cried Turtle: Eagle-Eyed Child Helps Save Trio of Turtles Stuck in Drain

“We were fishing just out of this corner over there, and when we went to pick up, there was a line twisted,” said local shrimper Bobby Aguillard. “As I was pulling it in, I noticed the black string. On the end of the black string was a turtle.”

He then reported the animal injured half-a-mile off shore, and the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, along with the Audubon’s Coastal Wildlife Network rescue center, intervened.

The rescue center’s Gabriella Vazquez said they administered a full test on the turtle, and determined he had a mouth and shoulder injury from the rope.

They then embarked on a lengthy rehabilitation program, where he was fed through a tube and given antibiotics and fluids.

During rehabilitation, they named him Raye.

Read: Off-Duty Police Officers Saves Endangered Leatherback Sea Turtle Choked by Crab Trap

On Wednesday, Aguillard joined Vazquez’ team in releasing him back into the wild.

“Knowing this sea turtle can go swimming in these waters, I’m grateful,” he said in a statement.

Watch: Homeslice, an Endangered Sea Turtle Treated in MRI Machine for Humans, Returns to the Wild