
5-Year-Old With Arthritis Gets Free Service Dog From Generous Local Breeder

Kayleigh Andrews, 5, and Bayley the golden doodle, are inseparable.

This 5-year-old girl’s life is about to be a whole lot easier thanks to a service dog she was gifted by a generous local breeder.

Read: Boy's Service Dog is Photographed For The Yearbook: 'She's Very Special to Me in My Life'

Kayleigh Andrews, 5, of Wilmington, North Carolina, was diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid idiopathic arthritis when she was just 2 years old.

“She never crawled. She would just scoot on her butt everywhere,” her mom, Amanda Andrews, told “We thought it was cute until her knees started getting really swollen and then she just quit walking.”

It took countless doctors’ appointments and different medicines to help her live a normal life, including shots her mom administers every Saturday.

“I don’t even like the shots,” Kayleigh told “They’re scary.”

The family soon realized a service dog would help her keep her balance and pick things up when they fell.

But realizing they would have a hard time affording the service dog on their own, the Andrews took to GoFundMe.

That’s when local breeder Michelle Stump took notice and offered to donate a puppy from her latest litter to be trained as Kaleigh’s service dog.

“We have about four litters a year, and I donate one puppy per litter,” Stump told “It’s probably one of the highlights of all the breeding.”

Read: Meet the Woman Responsible for Rescuing Hundreds of Dogs From 'Dumping Site' Over 7 Years

And, when Kayleigh met Bayley, her golden doodle puppy, it was love at first sight.

“They just become like one and they’re inseparable, and that’s what really needs to happen in successful service dog relationships,” Stump said. “They actually become one, they really do."

Watch: Mom Sobs as Son With Autism Snuggles With New Service Dog: 'The Connection Is Life-Changing'