Pope Francis Asks Melania What She Feeds President Trump

When the duo left their meeting and posed for a picture together, Trump had a smile from ear to ear but the pope did not look impressed.

President Trump and Pope Francis put aside their differences for their first face-to-face meeting Wednesday morning, but not before the pontiff cracked a joke about the commander in chief's waistline.

Read: Trump Visits the Wailing Wall During His First Tour Overseas as President

In a funny moment, Pope Francis spoke Italian as he asked First Lady Melania Trump, "What are you feeding him, potica?”

Melania, who speaks fluent Italian, laughed and replied, "Potica," a high-calorie pastry from her home country of Slovenia that is traditionally served on Christmas and Easter.

A Vatican spokeswoman has said that whenever the pope meets someone from Slovenia, he likes to talk about the pastry.

Ivanka Trump and her husband, Jared Kushner, waited outside the Pope's office during the 30-minute private meeting. Both Ivanka and the first lady wore veils when meeting the Pontiff.

Trump later took to Twitter to post a short clip of their meeting, calling it the “honor of a lifetime” and how he wants to pursue peace in the world.

Honor of a lifetime to meet His Holiness Pope Francis. I leave the Vatican more determined than ever to pursue PEACE in our world. pic.twitter.com/JzJDy7pllI

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 24, 2017

When the duo left their meeting and posed for a picture together, Trump had a smile from ear to ear but the pope did not look impressed.

The image set off social media.

TFW you travel to the Vatican to meet the Pope and he calls you fat pic.twitter.com/9bx9s6RnCt

— Marlow Stern (@MarlowNYC) May 24, 2017

Trump and Pope leaving room for the Holy Spirit pic.twitter.com/L66UtFChEw

— Bill Corbett (@BillCorbett) May 24, 2017

Nice shot of a cheerful Pope Francis giving Trump the tour. 'Chairs, floor, walls ... We're done, get out.' pic.twitter.com/94Rv9U8h9t

— Damien Owens (@OwensDamien) May 24, 2017

*record scratch*

*freeze frame*

POPE: Yep that's me. You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation. pic.twitter.com/7RB3z2ByKL

— Benjy Sarlin (@BenjySarlin) May 24, 2017

Before parting, Trump presented the pope with a gift, a series of first edition books by Martin Luther King Jr.

The pope gave Trump some of his writings and a medal with an olive branch symbolizing peace.

"We can use peace," the president said. Before parting, Trump told the head of the Catholic Church, "I won't forget what you said."

Their warm exchange comes after their very public feud when the pope chastised Trump’s proposed plans for building a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.

He said Trump “is not Christian.”

“I'd just say that this man is not Christian if he said it in this way," Pope Francis told reporters after visiting Mexico in February 2016. “A person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian."

Read: Pope Francis is the Internet's New Favorite Rapper

Trump fired back, saying: “For a religious leader to question a person's faith is disgraceful.”

Following his meeting with the pope, Trump then met with Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni and told the country’s leader that Pope Francis “is something.”

“We had a fantastic meeting,” Trump added. “We're liking Italy very, very much and it was an honor to be with the pope.”

The first family heads off to Brussels, Belgium, Thursday before returning to Italy where they will travel to Sicily on Friday and Saturday.

Watch: Melania Trump Appears to Swat Away Her Husband's Hand in Israel

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