
Is a Burlesque Performer Kate Middleton's Most Controversial Relative?

INSIDE EDITION talks to a burlesque performer who happens to be a second cousin to the princess bride herself, Kate Middleton.

She has a racy act popping balloons and stripping down to her undies.

It's not unusual for a stripper, but what makes this act so jaw-dropping is the woman is actually Kate Middleton's cousin!

20-year-old Katrina Darling [yes, that's her real name] told INSIDE EDITION, "I don't mind being called a stripper because I do take my clothes off."

Darling explains her connection to Kate Middleton.

"My grandmother and Kate's great-grandfather were brother and sister. I'm her second cousin."

So did Darling find a coveted invite to the wedding in her mailbox? Not a chance!

Meanwhile, Katrina Darling wishes Kate Middleton well, even though she won't be there to see her cousin become a member of the royal family.

"It's always nice to know you're going to be related to the future Queen of England. Not everybody gets to say that do they?" said Darling.