
Rachel Uchitel Reacts To Osama Bin Laden's Death

INSIDE EDITION talks to Rachel Uchitel, who lost her fiancé in the 9-11 attacks, about her reaction to Osama bin Laden’s death and the new life she’s started for herself.

She is best known as Tiger Woods's mistress but on 9-11 Rachel Uchitel was the face of a nation's grief.

Her image was a heartbreaking portrait of pain and loss that made the front page of newspapers everywhere.

Her fiancé, Andy O' Grady, was killed when the south tower of the World Trade Center collapsed.

"It's taken me my whole life to find him and I don't know what I'll do without him," said Uchitel ten years ago.

She has waited nearly ten years hoping for some sort of justice. Now with bin Laden's death she has found some peace.

"I should have been married right now. He should have been sitting right next to me. It was a really awful time. Anytime I would be in a cab or have an empty seat next to me; it would bring me to tears," said Uchitel.

After her fiancé's death, her life spiraled down. She became a party girl, then she got embroiled in the Woods scandal.

Now she's turned her life around and she's embarking on a surprising new career working as a private detective, learning how to shoot a gun and taser bad guys.

Uchitel plans to specialize in finding missing people. Her decision is influenced in part by her heartbreaking loss on 9-11.