
Navy SEALs May Have Used Dogs to Help in Bin Laden Take Down

It’s being reported that the Navy SEALs may have used a highly-trained dog to aid them in the take down of Osama bin Laden. INSIDE EDITION has details on these amazing canines.

We're now learning that SEAL Team Six had a secret weapon during the raid that took down Osama bin Laden—the dogs of war.

The job of the dog was to sniff out explosives and find bin Laden if he tried to hide in a secret room.

Just like the 80 men on SEAL Team Six, little is known about what's being called "the nation's most courageous dog."

Here's what we do know. He's probably a German Shepherd or a specialized working breed like the Belgian Malinois.

His training began at a canine boot camp, at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas where military dogs learn to go through mock airliners, sniffing for hidden explosives. And they're trained to get used the sounds of combat.

A video shows how the dogs are actually strapped in special harnesses so they can repel down buildings or from helicopters, just like Team Six.

The adorable little Malinois puppies are specially bred to be the dogs of war. Many of them serve in Iraq and Afghanistan and now one had the ultimate honor of being part of the raid on bin Laden.

Americans everywhere are hailing the heroism of SEAL Team Six. A just-released book, SEAL Team Six has rocketed to number six on

INSIDE EDITION asked author Howard Wasdin, who used to be a member of the super-secret unit, if the identity of the Navy SEAL who killed bin Laden will ever be revealed.

"If it ever comes out it will probably be 15 to 20 years from now, maybe," said Wasdin.