
This Goose Loves Nothing More than Downing Pints at the Local Pub

"He can fly but he doesn't bother," Jack's owner said.

Just treat this goose like one of the boys.

Jack, the Chinese gray gander, is often spotted downing a pint at the local pub with his owners Sally Eynon, 45, and Keith Burgess, 58, in Shropshire, England.

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The couple says that in addition to enjoying a nice cold cider, Jack also loves curling up with his owners in front of the television or taking long rides in the car.

"He can fly but he doesn't bother," Sally said in an interview with SWNS. "Would you if you could go around in a car?"

The pair adopted the goose when Jack was only 2 weeks old. He's now 8 years old, and has developed a domestic routine with the couple, including playing with the other animals in the yard and pond during the day.

But at night, he always returns to their home, and is always up for a drive. 

"He stands on my lap in the front of the car, which gives other motorists a bit of a giggle when they drive past and see him," Sally explained.

It was during a family vacation at the Royal International Air Tattoo in Gloucestershire, where Jack was invited to join, where Sally and Keith discovered the goose had an interest in flying — not with his own wings, but when he checks out the Royal Air Force.

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"He enjoys Red Arrows, when they do their fly past with their final coming in to land, he cocks his head and he watches each and every one go past," Sally explained. "When the fast and loud ones go past he opens up his wings and shows them off to them."

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