
Blast From the Past: Woman Finds Her Mother's 1948 Wedding Photo, Dress in Antique Store

The items had been missing for more than a decade.

A Colorado woman was out shopping in Grand Junction when her mother's wedding photos in the window of an antique store caught her eye.

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“I absolutely just screamed out loud — I know I just jumped,” Jane Fine Foster told Inside Edition. “Jumped out of my skin and screamed out loud."

The photos from her mother’s 1948 wedding stood proudly in the window of A Robin’s Nest Antiques on a chilly February day, a stunning sight since Foster had believed the photos were lost forever.

“All my life, we saw this wedding picture on the wall in my home,” she said. "I stood there and I blinked and I blinked and you blink again and think, ‘Oh you're seeing things.’ That really was my mother's wedding photo.”

Foster had been searching for her mom's vintage wedding photos for 14 years after they vanished in 2003. The photos were tucked away in a storage facility and after her family missed a payment on the locker, its contents were auctioned off.

"All of our family treasures, gone" she said. "I made 40 or 50 phone calls, easily, trying to track down something, and they were all dead ends."

Then came the moment at the antiques store, when Foster had least expected it.

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“I remember just clutching my chest and I just said, ‘Oh my gosh — that's my long-lost mother,'" she said.

But the surprises did not end there.

When Foster went inside the shop, she met the owner, who remembered purchasing the photos, along with a wedding gown.

“She touched this fabric and I can touch it now and think of her,” Foster said as she grew emotional.

Her mother passed away in 2013, but having the treasured family memories back has made Foster feel like her mom is still with her.

“This is a symbol, a message from her that she is okay,” she said.

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