
Jerry Lewis' Illegitimate Daughter, Now Homeless, Reveals How She Learned About Her Dad's Death

DNA tests have established that there is an 88.7 percent chance that Jerry Lewis is her father.

Behind every person is a story and this woman can spin quite the tale as she is the daughter of late comedy legend Jerry Lewis.

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Suzan Lewis lives on the streets and carries her belongings around in shopping bags. Inside Edition found her in a Philadelphia parking lot.

Jerry Lewis has never acknowledged Suzan was his daughter and only found out her father had died when a friend told her.

“We can't follow news," she said. "We don’t have a television."

She told Inside Edition it can be lonely on the streets and she spends most of her time at a local food court because it is cool in the summer and warm in the winter.

“If you have to be in the street, you may as well have people around you so you don’t feel isolated,” she said.

When she scrapes together some money, she buys a meal at a Chinese restaurant before returning to the street.

"It's just something that happened," Lewis said when asked how she ended up on the streets.

She was born out of wedlock back in the 1950's. Her mother, a model named Lynn Dixon, had a three-year affair with Jerry Lewis.

DNA tests have established that there is an 88.7 percent certainty that she is Lewis' daughter

She said the legendary comic “would see me whenever he could.”

On her cell phone, there is a constant reminder of her heritage: A side-by-side image of her and Lewis.

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Jerry Lewis’ estate is estimated at $50 million. Yet, his daughter uses public restrooms in hotels and restaurants to wash up and even bathe.

She gets around by bus and uses a laundromat to clean her clothes. When night falls, she heads to her storage locker where she keeps her possessions and figures out where to sleep with her friend Dave.

Their bed is a metal bench with a mattress is fashioned out of newspaper and cardboard. They settle down for the night in hopes the next day will be better.

“I always look at the bright side,” she said. “No point being negative — then you'd be miserable.”

To donate to her Gofundme page, visit here.

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