
600 Students Surprised With Backpacks Full of Supplies for New School Year

It was a first day of school that these Brooklyn students won't soon forget.

The school year is off to an incredible start for 600 students who received a special gift as they attended an assembly at Brooklyn's P.S. 276.

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Behind the curtain in the auditorium were backpacks, one for each child, filled with school supplies.

The surprise is the work of Bic and the Kids in Need Foundation.

"It has been amazing today to see the energy of the students [and] the energy of the teachers," Todd Kehley of Bic told Inside Edition. "There was nothing better on the first day of school." 

"Our mission is to see every child exceed in the classroom," Dave Smith of the Kids in Need Foundation told Inside Edition. "When students have the basic supplies, their attitude, their behavior and even their self-esteem increases." 

The kids were overjoyed as they received the surprise gifts that will help them during the difficult school year.

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While the gesture may seem small to some, teachers assured Inside Edition it can mean the world.

“They were so happy. I could see it in their faces, they were thrilled. To get these supplies that are desperately needed," teacher Alice Whitaker told Inside Edition. "They were so happy and they were looking at stuff that they never saw before." 

To learn more about the Kids in Need Foundation, click here.

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