
Clothing Drive Helps Students Affected by Hurricane Harvey Find Dresses for Homecoming

The girls came out in droves to find dresses.

Some Texas teenagers left without dresses for their high school homecoming events after Hurricane Harvey tore through the region have been treated to a glamorous surprise.

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Carissa Villareal's first high school homecoming dance is just a few days away and the Houston teen had nothing to wear after all of her clothes were among belongings swept away by the hurricane.

Her mom, Rosa, says floodwaters overtook them within minutes.

“She had all of her new school clothes, shoes — all of that new stuff she threw on her bed hoping water wouldn’t get that high — and it did," she said.

But some thoughtful strangers have stepped up to save homecoming for Villareal and other kids at her school after 3,000 beautiful dresses were donated from around the nation.

The donation drive was started by Ashley Reel, 15, of Spring, near Houston, who organized a social media campaign for schools affected by the hurricane.

“I thought it would be one or two girls,” she said of the turnout. “I didn’t think it would be this crazy.”

Volunteers welcomed the young ladies and helped them find gowns.

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Villareal was there, trying on a spotted a black dress she called “gorgeous.”

Another student, Shyanne Prothro, 14,  says that without this donation drive, she would not have been able to attend homecoming.

“I am very happy to get this dress. It was like a dream come true,” she said.

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