
Letterman Turns Studio Vandalism into Top Ten List

When a vandal broke into the Ed Sullivan Theater, where the Late Show with David Letterman is filmed, Letterman couldn't help turning it into a big joke. INSIDE EDITION has more.

A young unemployed actor, identified by police as James Whittemore, was caught on camera on a vandalism spree that left David Letterman's Ed Sullivan Theater looking like a tornado hit it.

Glass on the front doors was shattered and debris was strewn around the lobby.

"They're already here in New York City calling it the 'Crime of the Century,' " Letterman joked as he discussed the incident on his show.

Now the accused vandal says he was too drunk to even remember it!

As seen on the surveillance video, the vandal kicked in the glass doors of the famed theater. He got inside the lobby and he tried to get into the theater itself but the doors were padlocked.

He then ran through the lobby, overturning everything in sight.

As he left, cops responding to a 911 call wrestled him to the ground.

Whittemore was hauled off in handcuffs.
Letterman had a field day with the break-in and it was a running joke all through last night's show.

"This is the Late Show...We're not just a talk show, ladies and gentlemen, this is an active crime scene!" he quipped.

The break-in was also the subject of Letterman's Top Ten list, which included: 6) "Didn't feel like walking 14 blocks to vandalize Regis's studio," 10) "When did stupid human tricks become illegal?" and 3) "Always dreamed of being the subject of a lame Top Ten list."

The accused vandal faces charges of criminal mischief and burglary.