
Don't Mess With Wendi Murdoch

Wendi Murdoch made headlines around the world after physically thwarting a man who tried to throw a shaving cream pie in Rupert Murdoch's face at the Parliament hearings. INSIDE EDITION has the latest.

Everyone is still talking about that jaw-dropping moment when Rupert Murdoch's wife leapt to her husband's defense.

Wendi Murdoch is making headlines around the world. The New York Daily News mocked up a picture of Wendi in boxing gloves, with the caption "Wendi Comes Out Swinging."

In her native China they're calling her "Tiger Wife" and "Smackdown Sister."

Now men everywhere are asking the same question.

Robin Roberts said on Good Morning America, "A lot of husbands are asking their wives, 'Would you do this for me?' "

Wendi is Rupert Murdoch's third wife. He's 80 and she's 42. She graduated from Yale with an MBA and they live in Manhattan. They have two little girls.

Wendi is 6 feet tall, but in stilettos like the ones she was wearing at the hearings yesterday, she's a towering 6 feet 4 inches tall.

By the way, Wendi was a champion volleyball player and actually spiked the plate of shaving cream back in the assailant's face, like a volleyball! The knucklehead ended up covered in shaving cream.

Within seconds of Wendi leaping to her husband's defense, the stock price in Murdoch's media company Newscorp shot up 18 cents a share, adding a staggering $330 million in shareholder value.

The late night comedians are having a field day with the story. David Letterman even made it the subject of his Top Ten List.

Letterman said, "The top ten things going through Rupert Murdoch's mind during the pie attack. Number 10: Hey, free pie!"