
TLC Cancels Kate Plus 8

Kate Gosselin recently said she’s not ready to be done with her reality show Kate Plus 8, but the show was just cancelled by TLC. INSIDE EDITION has the details.

Kate Gosselin is reacting to TLC cancelling her show, Kate Plus 8. Today she tweeted: "it's a new day! Despite r challenges, we must forge ahead putting r best foot forward!"

And her ex-husband, Jon Gosselin, is also reacting saying he is "very relieved" and adds, "I hope that this will bring more privacy to my children and that they can get the proper attention they need for any personal issues they might have in the future."

Now the TV future of the former Dancing with the Stars contestant is up in the air. Earlier this month Kate told INSIDE EDITION she was hoping Kate Plus 8 would live on.

"We're not ready to be done. The kids worry themselves. They truly enjoy it. I enjoy the fact that I can work and have my kids along with me," said Kate.

The last episode will air September 12.