911 Call from Real Housewives Husband Russell Armstrong's Suicide Released

INSIDE EDITION has obtained the 911 call made when Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Taylor Armstrong found her husband had committed suicide.

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Taylor Armstrong was sobbing hysterically in the background as a friend called 911. They had just found the body of her dead husband Russell, who had committed suicide.

"Come here. Come here. Come here," Taylor sobbed. "I need my psychiatrist."

The friend tried to comfort her, but she was inconsolable. On the call she can be heard repeating, "Oh my God" through the LAPD chatter on the phone.

Taylor:  "Oh my God!"

Friend:  "Come here Taylor. It's all right. It's all right. It's all right. It's all right. It's all right."

Taylor:  "It's not all right. Oh my God!"

Friend: "There's nothing we can do."

The disturbing details continued as the 911 operator asked for more information.

Operator:  "Did you cut him down?"

Friend:  "No. I did not."

Operator:  "Okay. Do you think he's beyond any help?"

Friend:  "No. There's nothing you can do."

Taylor continued to sob.

Then came the horrible revelation that Russell Armstrong's 5-year-old daughter Kennedy was in the house.

Friend: "Taylor, have her go away as soon as possible. The man's daughter is here, so we have to get her out of here."

Operator:  "Okay, that's her dad?"

Friend:  "That's her dad. You know what Taylor, have your daughter go away please."

Then more heartbreaking details emerge about what Russell was going through the last few days of his life.

Friend:  "He's going through a divorce, and he's living at a friend's house. And he locked his door. The friend went over through the back window and he saw him hanging there and that's it."

And we're learning more about Russell's final moments from his death certificate. It identifies him by his full name, Russell Lynn Armstrong. It says he hanged himself, "with electric extension cord, self-inflicted."

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills is set to premiere September 5th. It's being reported Bravo will air a special episode featuring all the housewives talking about Armstrong's suicide. The network has not confirmed those plans.