
Some Conservatives Are Tired of Sarah Palin's Guessing Game

As Sarah Palin remains quiet about making a run for President, some conservatives are saying they’ve had enough of her guessing game. INSIDE EDITION reports.

Are the nation's most prominent conservative women starting to turn on Sarah Palin? She's now coming under fire from none other than outspoken commentator Ann Coulter.

INSIDE EDITION spoke to Coulter, best-selling author of  Demonic, about her Fox News appearance last night where she lashed out at Palin and her diehard supporters.

"I used to love Sarah Palin because of her enemies and I'm starting to dislike her because of her fans," said Coulter.

On Fox News, Coulter said, "The tiniest criticism of her, I think many of your viewers may not know conservative on TV will criticize Palin because they don't want to deal with the hate mail," said Coulter.

Coulter told INSIDE EDITION, "Her fans did not let me down. I was bombarded with vitriolic hate mail from it."

Conservative talk show host Laura Ingraham now questions whether Palin actually has the substance to run for president.

"She has to do more of that heavy lifting on policy stuff, I think, to be taken seriously. I just simply think she's not all that interested in it," said Ingraham.

Palin has been coy about whether she'll run for the Republican presidential nomination.

Coulter said, "She doesn't seem to be preparing to run, point one. Point two, why would she run? She has a fantastic life. She has a lot of influence. It's like saying, 'Is Rush Limbaugh going to run for president?' Why would he bother?"

The criticism comes on the heels of a new Fox News poll showing only 20 percent of voters want Palin to run for president. A whopping 74 percent of voters say she shouldn't run.

Political strategist Karl Rove said on Good Morning America that the will-she-or-won't-she guessing game over what Palin will do may have gone on too long.

"The longer she looks like a candidate, and if she doesn't become a candidate, the weaker she'll emerge out of this politically," said Rove.