
Tareq Salahi's Wife Found With Rock Star

INSIDE EDITION was there as Tareq Salahi learned that his wife Michaele, whom he reported missing earlier this week, has apparently run off with a rock star.

"It'd be a surprise to me. Michaele and I have always been honest with each other. If that's the case, then she just has to tell me," said Tareq Salahi.

The stunned look on his face says it all.

White House gatecrasher Tareq Salahi has just heard a report that his wife Michaele has run off with a rock star.

He's Neal Schon, lead guitarist for the rock group Journey. He can be seen socializing with the Salahis in a video on their Facebook page.

"Are you saying she was there last night?" asked Tareq.

INSIDE EDITIONS broke the news to Salahi in an exclusive interview.

Just minutes earlier, he'd issued a tearful plea for the return of Michaele, claiming she'd been abducted.

"Bring my wife back home! She's done no harm to anybody," said Tareqi.

The jaw-dropping story began on Tuesday, when Tareq told cops his wife Michaele was missing from their Virginia home. He feared the worst.

"I'm scared to death for her, I hope she's not trapped in a place where somebody's holding her," said Tareq.

But now the word is out that Michaele is in Memphis where Journey is performing.

"If she was seen there, why isn't she telling me that?" asked Tareq.

The couple's lawyer appeared on Good Morning America today, and said he didn't know whether they would divorce.

"If there's an opportunity for reconciliation, that's something they can, and ought to explore," said the Salahis' lawyer.

But now it seems that Michaele might be on a brand new journey, with a guy from Journey.