
INSIDE EDITION Learns Snooki Is Zantrex Spokesperson

Jersey Shore's Snooki has been showing off a slimmer figure lately and publicly thanking the diet supplement Zantrex. But INSIDE EDITION has found that she's a paid spokesperson for the product.

Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi stunned photographers when she showed up in Atlantic City this week looking fitter than ever!

She tweeted that her dramatic weight loss is due to a new product she's discovered.

"Glad to hear reports that say I look good =) ... Thanks Zantrex!" tweeted Snooki.

She's been gushing about Zantrex diet pills on Twitter all month.

"Want to look good like me? GTL & my fav Zantrex fat burner from Walgreens, it's on sale!" tweeted Snooki.

She even tweeted a photo of herself with her Zantrex pill bottles prominently placed in the shot.

But what Snooki doesn't disclose in her tweets is that she's been identified as a paid spokesperson for Zantrex.

Snooki is being paid by Zantrex to endorse their product.

"Celebrities like Snooki have a duty to disclose their relationship with a particular manufacturer, advertiser, product, or service," said lawyer Richard B. Newman.

The Federal Trade Commission guidelines suggest that Snooki should disclose that she's paid to endorse their product.

Most celebrities who endorse products at least write "sponsored by" or "ad" in the fine print.

According to the company's own website, the key active ingredient in the pills is caffeine, and lots of it.

Just one dose of the diet pills contains three to four cups of coffee worth of caffeine.

"My schedule is nuts but I'm lucky, I just found Zantrex at Wal-Mart. I have the energy to do it big!" tweeted Snooki.

But doctors say the side effects of ingesting high doses of caffeine can include palpitations, anxiety, cold sweats, nausea, diarrhea, increased heart rate, and irritability.

Snooki's represenative said, "It is common knowledge among her fans that she is a spokesperson for Zantrex."

Zantrex did not return our calls, but they do have a photo of Snooki on their website.