
Pregnant Marathon Runner Delivers Baby Hours after Race

After a nine-month pregnant woman ran the Chicago Marathon and gave birth to her daughter just hours after she crossed the finish line, some are asking, should she have done it? INSIDE EDITION reports.

Amber Miller is being called "Marathon Mom" for running the Chicago Marathon just eight days before her due date.

The 27-year-old's very pregnant belly didn't stop her from completing 26.2 miles over the weekend in a decent six hours and 27 minutes.

And just seven hours after crossing the finish line, she gave birth to a healthy baby girl.

"The race was definitely easier than the labor," Miller says.

But across the nation, eyebrows are being raised about her decision to run a marathon.

"I'm all for fitness, I'm all for the endorphin rush, but take a day off, there're going tol be other marathons," said Today's Matt Lauer.

Katie Couric, filling in for Regis Philbin on Live!, also expressed shock:

"She gave birth to a baby girl hours after running the marathon. I'm sorry, that seems insane to me!" she said.

Miller is a stay-at-home mom who lives in a Chicago suburb. She says her doctor had given her permission to run, and she took necessary precautions, walking half the marathon. Believe it or not, she actually ran another marathon earlier in her pregnancy, and yet another when she was pregnant with her first child, Caleb.

"I really don't take risks, the baby comes first, I know what I can handle," Miller told reporters.

Pregnant women are advised by OB/GYNs that it's ok to exercise, but within reason, and as long as it's not a high-risk pregnancy.

"This is somebody who is very used to running marathons and there's no indication that this causes any sort of problems or risks for her baby or for the pregnancy," Dr. Joanne Stone told INSIDE EDITION.

INSIDE EDITION caught up with a few pregnant women at an exercise class in outside Los Angeles and they shared their opinions on the pregnant marathon runner.

"I used to run 18 miles a week before I was pregnant, now I run three miles, that's what the doctor has suggested, so I'm very surprised she did that," said Tara Bradley, who is four months pregnant.

"I wouldn't feel comfortable doing it myself," said Amy Alquaddomi.

"I think it was between her and her doctor," said Emily Mahli.

As the nation debates whether marathon mom made the right choice, Miller is getting to know her beautiful baby girl. Her name is June, and she weighed in at seven pounds, 13 ounces.