
Madonna's Brother Says He's Homeless

Everyone is asking why Madonna's brother is homeless and living under a  bridge while she remains one of the richest pop stars in the world. INSIDE EDITION has the scoop.

Can you believe it? Fifty-five-year-old Anthony Ciccone, the brother of the world's most famous pop singer, Madonna, is homeless, and living under a bridge.

"We pretty much hated each other's guts. I am sick of people asking why doesn't your sister help? I don't know why. Ask her, if you can find her," said Ciccone.

Eartha Jane Melzer, a reporter with the online regional newspaper Michigan Messenger, found Ciccone in Traverse City under the Union Street bride. He gets his meals at a church-sponsored soup kitchen.

Anthony Ciccone, or Tony, has been living there for the past two years after he was fired from his job at the family winery.

Ciccone said, "In my father's mind, he thinks I'm living this [way] on purpose. Out of laziness or lack of motivation. He's convinced that I am a raging alcoholic."

Ciccone told a heartbreaking story of the last time he saw his sister. It was at a film festival Michael Moore organized in Michigan in 2008. He could not break through the crowd to talk to Madonna, his own sister.

Melzer asked, "You didn't get to see your sister when she was in town?"

"I saw her get out of her limo," said Ciccone.

And if you think he doesn't follow his sister's career, he proved that he does when he corrected a reporter.

"So, she is worth $650 million," said Melzer.

Ciccone said, "It's actually almost $700 million. But not as much as Oprah."

A spokesman for Madonna's family said: "There's nothing we or anyone else can do...He is where he is because of himself. We've done so much over the past 15 years, but he has done nothing to help himself."

Meanwhile, Madonna was in London yesterday at the premiere of a new movie she's directed, W.E., and she got booed. Fans were upset that she did not come over and talk to them after they waited hours for her to show up.