
Sexy Halloween Costumes to Get You Noticed

Fashion expert Katlean De Monchy showed INSIDE EDITION the sexy costumes that will get you noticed this Halloween.

Looking to get noticed this Halloween? Fashion expert Katlean De Monchy showed INSIDE EDITION some sexy get-ups that are sure to do the trick, or treat.

"One of the big trends we're seeing are video games having a big influence on Halloween. One of the sexiest is Mortal Combat. If you've got the curves, I say go for it. A hot outfit including the boots for just $39.90," said de Monchy.

"One of my favorites [is] the sexy Brazilian dancer. And let's face it, if you've got the physique and if you have the money, this is for you," said De Monchy.

It's a showstopper but comes with a steep price tag of $216.

The models got lots of second looks and people grabbing their cameras to take a shot.

"If you are going to be naughty this Halloween and you're going to be arrested, this is the cop you want to arrest you. I love that you can get all the pieces, the handcuffs, the walkie-talkie, the baton, and the sexy cap, all for $57.90," said De Monchy.

Another one is called the Sexy Kitten Kaboodle. The six-piece outfit is $36.

Of course, you can go old school with the sexy Red Riding Hood costume. You can have that look for $54.

And there's the deluxe Sexy Maid costume, and it certainly lives up to its name. It's on the higher end at nearly $80.

A sexy caped crusader look will set you back $33.

And then we have our nurse costume, which is actually called the Hospital Honey. It's a steal at just under $27.

It's still not too late to get any of these costumes. They're all available at

Who knows, maybe you too will have a pack of photographers following you this Halloween night.

Hair and makeup by Angelo David Salon.