
Madoff Family Feud

The Madoff family's media blitz is sparking a bitter feud as members of the family promote different books. Is it war, or a clever PR campaign? INSIDE EDITION reports.

The Madoff media blitz is causing a firestorm of anger as warring family members plug their books on network TV.

Ruth Madoff will appear on 60 Minutes on October 30 along with her son Andrew.

Bernard Madoff gave a two-hour interview to Barbara Walters in prison.

And Stephanie Madoff Mack, whose husband Mark Madoff killed himself, was on 20/20 and The View.

"The Madoff family may well be the most hated family in America," says Andrew Kirtzman, author of Betrayal: The Life and Lies of Bernie Madoff.

Stephanie is promoting her book The End of Normal and Andrew Madoff, with his mother's help, is promoting his ghostwritten book, Truth and Consequences.

New York Post TV critic Linda Stasi is blasting the Madoffs' media blitz, calling them "The most repulsively greedy herd in…American history," and asking, "What could be next – does Ruth end up on 'Dancing with the Stars'?"

Madoff victim Mike DeVita says the Madoffs are trying to portray themselves as victims.

He says, "All they talked about was how much their family has been damaged by what happened here. I didn't hear any one of the three of them say a single word about the tens of thousands of investors whose financial lives were ruined by this theft."

And Stephanie Madoff Mack's father joined the fray when he made an appearance on The Joy Behar Show and read a graphic letter he wrote to Bernie in prison describing finding Mark's body.

"Every time you sit down to eat, as you pick up your plastic fork I want you to see your son's corpse hanging from the rafter directly over your table. Right in front of you Bernie!"

In the latest excerpt from Ruth Madoff's first interview, she tells 60 Minutes's Morley Safer that after Bernie confessed to stealing billions of dollars, he insisted on partying to keep up appearances that everything was normal.

"He phoned me from the office and said, 'We have to go to the office Christmas party.' So I got myself together, went over there. We stayed half an hour and we just went home. And the next morning the FBI was there to arrest him at about seven am," Ruth said.