
Teenager Gets Breast Implants after Being Teased

INSIDE EDITION talks to the teenager who decided to get breast implants after she was teased for being flat-chested.

She was teased for being flat-chested, so teenager Sierra Maitlen got breast implants.

"I don't want to be looked at as a little girl anymore. I just want to feel more confident," said Sierra.

She believed her small A cup breast size made her look like a little girl and she says classmates teased her about it.

The teen from Orange County, California, even stayed away from high school dances because of her chest size.

"I wasn't really comfortable going to high school dances because dresses just never fit me right," she explained.

But Sierra got the curves she dreamed of, because her mom gave her breast implants as a high school graduation present.

Sierra's mom actually had breast implants when she was 19 and is now on her fourth set.

"I know some of those inner feelings that she's experiencing, I'm ok with helping her," she said.

INSIDE EDITION was there with Sierra as she met with Newport Beach plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Niccole, who would perform her surgery.

Sierra decided she wanted a full B cup size.

Minutes before surgery, Sierra was feeling a little anxious.

"[I'm] excited and a little nervous," she said.

During the procedure, the doctor made two small incisions and demonstrated how he would insert the implants.

So how did Sierra like her new figure?

The teenager says she loves her new bikini body and finally feels she no longer looks like a little girl.

"I feel great, I'm glad I did it," she told INSIDE EDITION.