Today is the day Herman Cain will meet with his wife Gloria to "reassess" his campaign after an Atlanta woman came forward saying she had a 13-year affair with the presidential hopeful. Can denies the woman's allegations. INSIDE EDITION h
A storm of ridicule and disapproval is raining down on candidate Herman Cain.
The latest CBS News poll finds 79 percent of Americans want him out of the presidential race in the wake of the bombshell allegations by Ginger White that they had a 13-year affair.
Everywhere he turns, the candidate is greeted with scorn. Student hecklers at Middle Tennessee State University shouted, "Sexual abuse is not acceptable!"
Today is D-Day for Cain, who is meeting with his wife Gloria in their home in Atlanta in their first face-to-face encounter since White came forward.
Before flying home, Cain spoke to Fox News Channel's Sean Hannity. He admitted he never told his wife about what he calls a 13-year "friendship" with White, or the money he acknowledges he gave her.
"[Gloria] was hurt that she didn't know about this friend that I was helping financially," Cain told Fox News. "I have made mistakes, we all have made mistakes. But the thing about it is, if you make a mistake and admit it and then you can be forgiven, you should be able to move on."
White is standing by her claims. She says the relationship was purely physical. Cain denies the affair.
"It wasn't a love affair, it was a sexual affair," White said on The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell.
She says she never met Gloria Cain.
"I am not a cold-hearted person, I am a mother of two kids, and of course my heart bleeds for this woman because I'm a woman, and being in a situation like this cannot be fun," White continued.
Now the big question is, will Gloria Cain stand by her man like those other political wives who have famously remained married, despite their husbands' infidelities?
"For women who do get caught up in their husband's scandal, it's humiliating. There's the shame of how people are judging her," says psychiatrist Dr. Gail Saltz.
One thing is certain: Cain has his work cut out for him during their summit this weekend. In a recent interview with Greta Van Susteren, Gloria made it clear she will never be used as a political pawn:
"I will not be one of those people who will stand up on stage with a smile and knowing that you were wrong, I'm not going to do that, so you know not to do anything wrong, because you will be there by yourself."