The bank robber known as the “Geezer Bandit” may be easier to find now after stealing a bag of money with an exploding dye pack that would have stained the suspect’s skin. INSIDE EDITION reports.
He looks more like a geezer than a gangster. More interested in the blue plate special than an armed hold-up. But now this daring bank robber, the so-called "Geezer Bandit," has struck again.
His latest heist took place at the Bank of America branch in San Luis Obispo, California. But it was foiled when a quick-thinking teller slipped an exploding dye pack into the bag of cash she handed over.
A police officer said, "The dye pack inside of the bag exploded, dyeing all of the money red."
The red-stained banknotes were scattered in the parking lot.
The geezer bandit made his escape through bank doors and made his way to the parking lot, when for the first time in his two-year crime spree, something went wrong.
He dropped most of the dyed-stained money in the parking lot where the red stains can still be seen. But that's not all. He also dropped what appeared to be a small address book which could yield big clues for cops.
INSIDE EDITION's Lisa Guerrero asked an officer, "That could be a huge break in this case, couldn't it?
"It could be a huge break and we're hoping that it does give us something we can work with," said the officer.
Police believe the "Geezer Bandit," who has pulled 16 heists in Southern California, is no geezer but just wearing a realistic latex mask to look like a harmless old man.
The teller he confronted in his latest hold-up said his face "looked plastic." That lends more weight to the theory that he is wearing a high-tech Hollywood special effects mask.
Police say don't be fooled, this geezer, no matter what his age, is armed and very dangerous.