
Sandra Bullock and Tom Hanks's Co-Star Gets Big Break from Jeopardy

He’s the young actor starring opposite A-list stars Tom Hanks and Sandra Bullock, and you may be surprised to find out how he was discovered. INSIDE EDITION has the story.

It was 13-year-old Thomas Horn's first walk down a red carpet. He's the young star of the new film Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close.

"I've never done this before. It's very stimulating. Bright lights, lots of talking, lots of screaming," said Horn.

Talk about starting at the top. He's sharing the screen with Hollywood heavyweights Sandra Bullock and Tom Hanks.

Horn said, "The first time I met them I was shocked because I never imagined I would be working next to such esteemed, amazing actors."

The movie is about a young boy whose father was killed on September 11th, as he goes on a journey to solve a mystery his dad left behind.

But this isn't Horn's first brush with fame. Last year Horn appeared on Jeopardy Kid's Week, where he took home $31,800. It turns out a big Hollywood producer was watching and Horn got a call that would change his life.

"They called me up, and asked me to go to audition in New York, and that was a real surprise, because I never thought I'd make it that far," said Horn.

A few days later he got the part and the rest is movie history.