
Police Say Home Invaders May Have Been Looking for Prescription Drugs

INSIDE EDITION has the latest details in the case of the young mother who police say justifiably shot a home intruder on New Year's Eve at her home outside Oklahoma City.

New details are emerging about the story the whole nation is talking about—the 18-year-old mom who blew away one of the men invading her home.

Police now say the two men who invaded Sarah McKinley's home were high on prescription painkillers and might have been after more medication.

Cops say they knew there might be painkillers inside the house because her husband, Kenneth, had just died of cancer.

They also apparently knew that Sarah would be most likely be alone with her 3-month old baby, Justin. Cops say they also saw her as an "easy target ," because her home outside Oklahoma City is very isolated.

In order to get to the property, you have to drive up a country road, through a gate, and another quarter of a mile down a gravel road to get to the home that sits in a wooded area.

McKinley told INSIDE EDITION, "I like the quietness of it and you have your privacy, I don't think I'll ever feel the same again. I think I'll just always be nervous and waiting for the next person."

In the frantic 911 call from McKinley, the operator asked, "Are your doors locked?"
McKinley: "Yes, I've got two guns in my hand. Is it ok to shoot him if he comes in this door?"
911 operator: "I can't tell you that you can do that, but you do what you have to do to protect your baby."

"I just pointed the gun and I pulled the trigger," McKinley told us.

It took 21 minutes before police arrived on the scene. They found a 24-year old Justin Martin sprawled over a couch that McKinley had pushed in front of her door in a desperate effort to keep him out. Cops say his accused co-hort, Dusty Stewart, had fled and later called 911 and turned himself in.

"My name is Dusty Stewart and I think it was my friend that got shot. I don't know what he was trying to do. I stood at the fence and told him to come on and I don't know what he did," Stewart told police.

Martin's funeral is being held on Thursday and his family told INSIDE EDITION in a statement:

"We don't have many details about how and why this happened, but we do know that much of the speculation and rumors are not consistent with the Justin his many friends and family knew him to be."

Meanwhile, the country is embracing McKinley as a hero for protecting her home, herself and her infant son.