
Toddlers and Tiaras in Hot Water Again

INSIDE EDITION has the details on the latest controversy to hit the popular TLC reality series, Toddlers and Tiaras.

There's a new controversy hitting Toddlers and Tiaras, triggering the shocking headline "Are Toddlers and Tiaras Mothers Doping Their Daughters?" on The Daily Mail website.

The uproar centers on this week's episode, featuring a six-year-old named Alana.

Alana's mother, June said she gives the little girl "special juice" to boost the child's energy levels when she's on stage at beauty pageants. She calls it "go-go juice."

June defended herself on the show, saying "A lot of people say 'you're doping up your child,' well no I'm not, I'm not hurting her."

The mom says she's also given her daughter sugar-loaded Pixy Stix, which she refers to as "pageant crack." She admitted she's given her daughter as many as 15 bags during a single pageant.

She says lots of pageant moms use similar techniques with their children.

Pediatrician Dr. Cheryl Wu told INSIDE EDITION, "I would tell the parent to stop immediatly because it is not good for them."

One blogger who watched the Toddlers and Tiaras episode wrote, "This is the most disturbing thing I have ever seen."

Toddlers and Tiaras has sparked more than its share of controversy.

Many viewers were upset when a mom dressed her little girl as the Julia Roberts hooker from Pretty Woman and one child was given fake boobs and butt to imitate Dolly Parton.

As for the "go-go juice" controversy, a spokesman for TLC, which airs the show, told INSIDE EDITION she had "No comment."