While Lin-sanity is taking New York by storm, a certain "face" in the crowd is also getting much attention. INSIDE EDITION has the story.
Jack Blankenship is not just a face in the crowd - he has become an instant star for holding up a giant photo of his own face at basketball games to distract the opposing teams.
It works so well. At a recent New York Knicks game, Kris Humphries of the New Jersey Nets and Kim Kardashian's ex-husband, tried to shoot a free throw with "The Face" in his face and missed.
Blankenship could barely believe all the attention he got when walking with INSIDE EDITION in New York's Times Square. Everybody recognized him. He has even appeared on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon.
Just a few weeks ago Blakenship, a mild-mannered freshman at the University of Alabama, began holding up a photo of his own face at basketball games to annoy the opposition. He became an instant sensation.
"I figured you know, if ever I'd be on TV it'd be for something else, not for making a silly face," Blakenship told INSIDE EDITION's Megan Alexander.
Blakenship's normal face is nothing like the photo. Getting "The Face" that launched a thousand quips is a five-step process he shared with Alexander.
"First, you flare your nostrils. Then you frown. Then you raise your eyebrows. Then you make your eyes big, and then you inhale," said Blakenship.
Jack hopes to have his own late-night TV show some day. No wonder he's eager to "Face" the future.