
Angelina Jolie's Weight Causes Concern

Hollywood's power couple continues to make post-Oscar® headlines, but for very different reasons. INSIDE EDITION has the details.

The buzz over Angelina Jolie's now famous leggy pose at the Oscars® has turned into an uproar over her skinny frame.

Dr. Drew Pinsky said on The View, "She's malnourished. And we shouldn't look at that as an ideal of beauty, is what I'm saying. She's a beautiful woman, but she needs to be better nourished."

TV's Dr. Drew Pinsky joined actress Tracey Gold, who battled an eating disorder when she was on the 80's sitcom Growing Pains, to analyze Jolie's appearance on HLN.

Gold said, "When I saw her, she did look alarmingly thin."

Maybe Jolie is taking the criticism to heart. Photographers caught up with Jolie and her partner Brad Pitt going through a McDonald's drive-thru over the weekend.

Meantime, Brad Pitt made a rare, live appearance on the stage alongside buddy George Clooney. Clooney played a lawyer, and Pitt played a judge, in the play titled 8 about the gay marriage debate in California.