
Is Rosie O'Donnell Moving Out?

Rosie O'Donnell's show on Oprah's OWN network has been plagued with poor ratings. Now, she allegedly wants to move the production from Chicago to New York, which came as a surprise to her producers. INSIDE EDITION has the story.

Is Rosie O'Donnell's talk show imploding just five months after debuting on Oprah Winfrey's struggling cable network?

O'Donnell reportedly wants to move the production to New York from Chicago. She's also selling her $2.5 million town house in Chicago.
It's a move that's likely to anger Oprah, with the New York Post calling her demand potentially "The last straw."

Michael Starr of New York Post said, "To move the show from Chicago to New York, the fact that people are probably going to lose their jobs, they are going to have to hire a staff in New York, they are going to have to rent out studio space. It is going to run in the millions of dollars a year."

O'Donnell's talk show is doing poorly in the ratings, averaging just 150,000 viewers nationwide last week.

INSIDE EDITION visited her spectacular set in Chicago last year, shortly before the show's premiere. O'Donnell's dressing room is bigger than most apartments.

But now the good feelings have reportedly soured.

The Chicago Tribune said O'Donnell, "Didn't tell her own producers that she wants to move the show to New York. They learned of her intentions only when she was talking to a guest during a commercial break."

"It was such a huge decision to make of time and personnel and money, you don't want to find out by having one of your host talking to one of your guests about it and not alerting management," said Starr.

The Tribune also reports that O'Donnell has been difficult to work with, saying she is "Cranky, erratic, disinterested," to work with.

Starr said, "Her consistant track record of angering a lot of people and being difficult to work with, I think it's followed her."