
Stolen Yorkie Returned to Owner

It was a scene right out of the movies when thieves robbed a store and left a ransom note for the stolen goods. But it wasn't diamonds or priceless works of art—it was a Yorkshire puppy. INSIDE EDITION talks to the happy owner after the pup&#

A Brooklyn pet shop owner's Yorkshire Terrier was stolen from his cage. Although the theft was caught on camera, the puppy, which costs about $1,400 remained missing.

"When our backs were turned, the kid stole the dog out of his cage and put it in his jacket," shop owner David Dietz told INSIDE EDITION.

As the days passed, Dietz grew increasingly worried.

"These Yorkies eat six times per day, and they require special vitamins," said Dietz.  

Cops charged two youths with stealing the puppy, but they still didn't have the dog. Three weeks passed and things looked bleak, but Dietz refused to give up hope.

"I knew we'd get this dog back. I never lost hope. And then, we got a phone call," he said.

The caller said, "Hi. I don't want any trouble. If you want your dog back, go to 87th Avenue, there's a note on the tree."

Feeling like a character out of the Mel Gibson film, Ransom, Dietz rushed to the tree.

Sure enough, there was the note. It stated that the dog was in a box at a nearby intersection.

Dietz rushed to the intersection and into a diner, where he was at least reunited with the missing Yorkie.

"His head was perked up. He was wagging his tail. The dog was ecstatic! I was relieved that we found our baby," Dietz recalled.

While Dietz said the episode was much like something on CSI, we think it was more like "Raiders of the Lost Bark."