
Famous Ways Employees Have Quit Their Jobs

While a Goldman Sachs executive took to The New York Times to announce his resignation from the company, INSIDE EDITION looks at famous ways some employees have left their jobs.

Greg Smith is the Wall Street banker who told his bosses to "take this job and shove it."

Smith's announcement in The New York Times, that he was resigning from Goldman Sachs because they treated clients like "Muppets," has set off shock waves.

Smith, an executive director who made at least a half-million dollars a year, joins other now immortal "I Quit" moments, many posted on the internet.

For instance, one video is of a guy who marched across the factory floor where he worked and made a big announcement on the intercom.

"I quit, I am out of here," he said. He then ran around spreading the news.

And talk about a big build up, one young man let his co-workers know something serious was about to happen by playing ominous music on a stereo. He climbed on a table and at the appropriate moment, he ripped off his shirt to reveal the words, "I Quit" on his chest.

Then there was someone who came straight to the point in a phone call. "I am sorry I can't come in today. I can't come in any other day either," said the employee.

Who could forget the young man who got a marching-band involved when he delivered a message to his boss.

But the most popular of them all was Jet Blue flight attendant Steven Slater, who popped a plane's emergency exit and slid right out of a job.

It makes that Goldman Sachs guy sound tame by comparison.