
Is Mitt Romney's Campaign Going to the Dogs?

Will the controversy surrounding Mitt Romney strapping the family dog to the roof of his car 29-years-ago  hurt his campaign? INSIDE EDITION explains what Romney's main competition, Rick Santorum said over the weekend.

Mitt Romney's "Seamus the Dog" problem is not going away.

Jon Karl asked Rick Santorum on ABC's This Week, "Is this an issue for the campaign?"

Santorum replied, "As far as Seamus the dog, look, all I would say is the issues of character are important in this election and we all need to look at all those issues and make a determination as to whether that's the kind of person you want to be President of the United States."

Santorum was talking about the time 29-years-ago when Romney and his family took off on a 12-hour car ride to Canada. Romney loaded his Irish Setter, Seamus on the roof in a crate for the long ride.

The story is getting a lot of buzz and mockery from the late night comics and Saturday Night Live.

With 40% of America household owning dogs, the Seamus issue could hit home with a lot of voters.