
Could New York Corrupt Tim Tebow?

With Tim Tebow coming to the Big Apple, many wonder if the city that never sleeps will corrupt the deeply religious, virgin quarterback. INSIDE EDITION explores Tebow's possibilities.

Will the temptation of New York City ruin Tim Tebow?

Tebow is a devout Christian, a virgin, who is saving himself for marriage. And lets face it - there's so much "Tim-tation" in the city that never sleeps.

Jets officials are so concerned; they're reportedly encouraging Tebow to live in New Jersey, far from the lure of New York's nightlife.

Even Jay Leno is wondering how Tim Tebow will survive.

"Can you imagine Tim Tebow in New York City? Talk about throwing a Christian to the lions. Oh my god," joked Leno.

Not everyone is welcoming Tebow to town.

Former Jets quarterback Boomer Esiason said, "Your bringing gasoline to the fire, if you ask me. I just don't know why they want him. I don't know why they would bring Tim Tebow to the heart of New York City sports."

Jets legend Joe Namath said he's stunned at Tebow's move to New York.

"I don't think they know what they're doing. I just think it's a publicity stunt. I really think it's wrong," said Namath.

But true to form, Tebow is staying above the fray.

Tebow said, "It's going to be very exciting and a true honor for me to play there."