
George Zimmerman's Brother Speaks Out

George Zimmerman's brother is breaking his silence, claiming his brother was faced with a "kill or be killed scenario," and therefore reacted in self-defence. His interview comes as is a report that George Zimmerman was fired from a secur

According to a published report, George Zimmerman was fired from a job as a security guard because he was too unstable.

The New York Daily News headline on Friday said Zimmerman went 'Nuts,' when he snapped while working as a security guard at boisterous parties in Florida. A photograph showed him drinking and dancing at one of those house parties in 2004.

A co-worker was quoted as saying he was "like Jekyll and Hyde." The co-worker also said, "One time, this woman was acting a little out of control. He got all nuts. He picked her up and threw her. It was pure rage."

And Zimmerman's big brother Robert is finally giving the family's side of the story, that Trayvon Martin made a grab for Zimmerman's gun.

Robert Said on Piers Morgan Tonight on Thursday, "What Trayvon said was either to the effect of, I believe, ‘This is going to be easy, you die tonight," or ‘You have a piece, you die tonight,' and then attempted to disarm him."

He claimed it was a case of kill or be killed.

"There would have been George dead had he not acted decisively and instantaniously," said Robert

He insisted Zimmerman had a broken nose which is still healing, even though many have said the video of Zimmerman in police custody showed no visible injuries.

Robert said, "To me, his nose looks swollen in that video."

But in a stunning twist, MSNBC reported that George Zimmerman's own attorney said Robert Zimmerman is just seeking attention and hasn't seen his brother George in years.

Meanwhile, Jose Baez, the attorney famed for winning Casey Anthony's acquittal, is predicting George Zimmerman won't be convicted either.

Baez told CNN, "You have a law enforcement agency and a state attorney that have established that they don't have enough evidence to reach a level of probable cause. How in the world are you going to get to beyond a reasonable doubt? I don't see a conviction down the line here."