
Winning Lottery Tickets Spark Mystery

A McDonald's employee in Maryland claims she has a winning ticket to the biggest lottery jackpot in the world, but her co-workers are saying they may be entitled to share the winnings. INSIDE EDITION has the story.

Is Mirlande Wilson one of the winners of the record Mega Millions jackpot?

"Mega Mystery" says the New York Post, reporting that a McDonald's fast food worker named Mirlande Wilson claims she holds one of the three winning tickets for the humongous jackpot of $656 million.

Wilson says she bought the winning ticket by herself at a 7-11 convenience store outside Baltimore, but her co-workers at McDonald's say she bought it as part of a pool and is now cheating them.

"I was in the group, but this was separate. The winning ticket was a separate ticket," Wilson told the newspaper.

But a co-worker is wailing: "She can't do this to us! She took everybody's money!"

INSIDE EDITION's Jim Moret spoke to Maryland lottery director Stephen Martino, who's being cautioned about Wilson's claim, until he inspects the actual ticket.

Moret asked, "How do you straighten out this mess?"

"I think before we spend much time thinking about a pool that may or may not have existed, we'd like to see the winning ticket," said Martino.

The holders of the other two winning tickets, worth an expected $213 million each before taxes, are also cloaked in mystery.  

One ticket was purchased in the Topeka, Kansas, area.

The other winner is from picturesque Red Bud, Illinois, population 3,500, which has one blinking stoplight in the middle of town. The ticket was purchased at a Moto Mart. 

Now rumors about who the lucky winner could be are sweeping through town. One rumor said the ticket was bought by a office pool at the local car dealership. That's not true.

Another rumor said a high school teacher has the winning ticket.

And a T-shirt is selling like hotcakes that says: "Yes, I am from Red Bud. NO, I am NOT the Winner!"