
Good Sportsmanship Wins Out

Competition can bring out the best or the worst in people. INSIDE EDITION reports on two recent examples of sportsmanship at either end of the spectrum. 

It was an inspiring example of good sportsmanship.

Meghan Vogel, a high school junior, helped a runner from another school cross the finish line.

Vogel was in sight of the finish line at the Ohio State Championship, when the teen in front of her—Arden McMath—collapsed with crippling cramps.

Instead of running around McMath—Vogel actually picked her up and carried her the final 50 yards of the 3,000-meter race. She even pushed her across the finish line first.

The crowd went wild. 

"It was amazing—I didn't expect that at all," said McMath.

The girls appeared together on Fox and Friends Tuesday. Vogel is a humble heroine.

"I didn't think it would end up being a huge thing and we'd be on national TV together," said Vogel, "I think everybody should do that for somebody."

Tell that to Robyn Ereth—the lady who's facing the scorn of the nation for ripping a football cleat from the hands of a young boy.

It happened at a charity event in Wisconsin.

Donald Driver, the Green Bay Packers Star, who just won Dancing With The Stars, tossed his shoe to a young fan—what a souvenir. But the woman next to him grabbed it and pulled it out of his hands.

After the game, 45-year-old Ereth proudly posed with the shoe.

People online are reacting with horror, calling her "mean" and "shameless." Even Donald Driver called her behavior "truly disturbing."

She quickly apologized, saying she "overreacted in the excitement of the moment."

But Driver tracked down 12-year-old Stephen Wagner and gave him a fresh pair of cleats and lots of other goodies.

Score one for the good guys.