
Party Girl IV Drips - A Hot New Trend

INSIDE EDITION looks at the hot new trend - the "Party Girl Drip," that some celebs are using to cure hangovers and feel rejuvenated. However, it could have some unwated side effects.

Could there be a miracle hangover cure?

It's called the "Party Girl Drip" and it's a hot new trend among hardcore partiers and celebrities like Rihanna.

Just hours after a fashion ball last month, Rihanna posted a picture of herself hooked up to what many believe was a "Party Girl Drip," an antidote to her wild late-night party-hearty lifestyle.

Simon Cowell also uses these drips, which he says give him an "incredibly warm feeling" that lasts for days.

Vanessa Arteaga is a busy media executive. She's not a party girl, but said she gets regular IV drips to combat work-related fatigue and stress. The drips are administered in private doctors' offices like Patients Medical Center in New York.

Arteaga said, "It goes straight into the bloodstream and it has a greater impact."

So what's in the drips?

It's a mixture of vitamins, nutrients and minerals, each one custom blended. After a hard night of partying, a typical drip might contain re-hydrating fluids and energy boosting minerals, like zinc, magnesium and chromium.

It takes about a half-hour for the bag to empty, followed by a sense of rejuvenation.

Arteaga said, "I know I feel differently within 45 minutes. You feel a boost to your immune system."

'Party Girl Drips' are not cheap. They cost up to $300 each, and there are potential side effects like bruising, fever, dizziness and infection. Some doctors say you can get the same effect by drinking water or simply taking a nap.

But that hasn't stopped party girls like Rihanna from tapping into this hot new trend.