
INSIDE EDITION Finds U.S. Open Bird Calling Prankster

The man who crashed the U.S. Open trophy ceremony in San Francisco was released from police custody and INSIDE EDITION caught up with him to find out why he did the stunt.

The birdman of the U.S. Open has been identified - his name is Andrew Dudley.

INSIDE EDITION caught up with him just hours after he was released from custody following his wacky stunt on live national TV.

Handcuffed and hauled away by cops, the British-born prankster spent four hours in a cage before being set free without charges.

So why did he do it?

"Stop deforestation," he shouted as he was released from custody.

It turns out that Dudley is an environmental activist. He uses his wacky bird call to draw attention to his cause. And he's done it before. He once punked, of all people, the Queen of England.

And now everyone wants to do the birdcall.

Dudley posed for pictures and happily showed tourists in San Francisco, California how to squawk like a bird.

He doesn't regret what he did, but would like to apologize to both U.S. Open winner Webb Simpson and NBC's Bob Costas for crashing the interview.

"I'm really hoping he's not too upset with me," said Dudley.